Well, it was February - really cold, lots of snow and I proceeded to injure my back so I was down for a few days - a great time to read!! So I did!
My reading list for the month basically included a lot of my old favorite authors:
Riviera Gold by Laurie R King (I love her Sherlock Homes and Mary Russell books - although several of her stand alone books are great)
Lost and Found by Jayne Ann Krantz (another favorite author. This book is from her Fogg Lake Trilogy)
Aunt Dimity Vampire Hunter by Nancy Atherton (Part of my all time favorite Fantasy series.)
Journey of the Pharaohs by Clive Cussler (I have yet to go wrong with a Clive Cussler Story)
Mystery of the Minster by Susannah Gregory (Medieval mystery at it's best)
The Crown Jewel by Charles Veley (book 4 in the Lucy and Sherlock Series)
The Palace Guard by Charlotte MacLeod (book 3 in the Bittershorn & Kittering series - so much fun to read)
Nighthawk by Clive Cussler (More Cussler - I just can't stay away from him.)
I have searched all winter long for an Eagle. They normally roost here in December and early to Mid January, but this year I saw nothing. I realize I probable wasn't out and about as much because of the Pandemic, but I've always seen them around the church and on the road to town, but not this year. Finally, my friend and I were driving to Kewanee a couple of weeks ago and one flew across the road ahead of us. Of course no Camera!! Then last Wednesday Hubby and I were pulling out of the driveway and one flew over our house!! Of course no Camera!! Later that same day we saw one flying over the road as we drove downtown. Then yesterday driving home from Bible Class I saw 3 in the field at the end of the road. Of Course no Camera!! So I drove home, grabbed my camera and the big telephoto lens and hurried back - and guess what!! They were still there. Got some good, some so so shots and some real duds, but at least I saw them - now if only I'd see a robin!!

Anyway here is a sampling of what I captured!!