Saturday, February 23, 2013

Block for Samson's Mother

Have you ever had bright hopes for the future - bright hopes for your son or your daughter - I'm sure Samson's Mother had bright hopes for Samson.  After many barren years she finally had a son - and she did what many of us do - we spoil them.  We make excuses for them.  We coddle them.  We clean up their messes.  But if all goes well, in the end - they learn their lessons and they do the right thing - the job God planned for them.

Samson's Mother - Bright Hopes

This block is called Bright Hopes.  I almost didn't make it because it had so many half seams and 45 degree angles that I couldn't see how it could be easily pieced.  Then I had an inspiration and used English Paper Piecing - see the previous Blog Entry.  The block nearly fell together - neat corners and all.


Anonymous said...

It's a gorgeous block. I like the light/dark look to it.

Kathleen said...

Thank you so much!! The light and dark seemed so natural - the joys and the despair associated with raising children.