Just when we thought it was warming up and Spring was around the corner - we take a dive into the deep Freeze. The winter has been very mild and I haven't complained - only about 4 or 5 inches of snow and most of the time I can get out when I want to. Yesterday afternoon Shy and I went out to do some girl things and it was 55 degrees. It was drizzling out but who worries about rain when it is that warm. We got home about 4 and she started her favorite dinner - and something she cooks really well - it's a meatball soup that runs in the family - we've always called it Hunky Broth for some obscure reason. At about 5 - my husband looked out the back door and it is snowing - as my daughter put it - a Christmas snow - but wet sloppy flakes and they were coming down hard. Anyway, we managed to get Shy home to her mom and dad - the roads were slush covered, but it was still above freezing.
When we got home, I stopped to take a picture of the bush in the front yard. It was dark but I put the camera on night scene and opened the flash and this is what I got.
Snowy Bush in front yard |
We got inside and had our own dinner and watched TV - Bones - This is the first time the power glitched but it was only out a minute or two. Then The Following - which we recorded also. The Hawaii 5-0 and that is when everything it the fan. There were flashing/pulsing lights in the sky and the power was pulsing and surging with the lights - and then everything went down. Now power at all!! My son called and said the power was out at their apartment - he was at work. My daughter's power was still on, but a lot of power was out. They are blaming it on the ice and the wind - but two separate sets of pulsing lights tells me there was more going on than wind and a snow storm. Anyway, the power came back on about Midnight - thankfully - I was not looking forward to a really cold day with no hot tea or hot anything else. It is now 8 degrees out and this is what it looks like out my back door.
I think I'm going to hunker down for the day and work on a quilt and make a nice big pot of HOT tea!!
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